Hemp Seeds

A little background…

It is thought that the hemp seed originated in the Himalayas. When the Aryans invaded India, they brought the hemp seed with them and that is how it spread through Europe and the Middle East. Besides the use of the hemp seed for nutritional purposes, hemp fiber was widely used in a variety of textiles. The hemp textile industry dates back to 10,000 years ago.

Nutritional Benefits

Hemp seeds are high in protein, and are an excellent source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. Just one and a half tablespoons of hemp seeds have 5 grams of protein. Aside from being an amazing source of plant protein, it is also easy for the body to digest. Additionally, hemp protein contains all 21 amino acids including the 9 essential amino acids our bodies cannot produce. They are also rich in essential fatty acid and have more essential fatty acid than flax seeds. Essential fatty acids are necessary fats that humans cannot make on their own, and must be obtained through diet. There are two families of essential fatty acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Hemp seeds contain both. They are also a great source of disease-protective phytonutrients, which support your immune system, bloodstream, tissues, and cells.

How To Incorporate Hemp Seeds Into Your Diet

Hemp seeds have a light nutty flavor and a soft texture. Hemp seeds can be eaten by themselves or sprinkled into just about anything like cereal, smoothies, salads, and granola. You can also enjoy hemp seed butter as a nutritious spread.