Homeopathic Tissue Salts For Anxiety

The word salt is used in homeopathy but these remedies do not contain salt.

There are twelve inorganic or mineral, elements that are naturally present in the human body, and are essential for normal cell functioning. These elements have been named ’tissue salts’, and each one performs a different function within your body.

Consequently, a deficiency in any of these tissue salts can affect our health, and the symptoms we experience depend upon which tissue salt we are lacking.

There are two tissue salts that are excellent for dealing with anxiety, insomnia, worry and nervous tension.

The first of these is Kali Phos 6x (its full name is Potassium Phosphate). Kali Phos is a nerve nutrient, so it’s helpful in all symptoms relating to the brain and nervous system, such as anxiety, worry, general weariness, stress, depression, insomnia, tension headaches and nervousness. It is also great for general weariness.

The second tissue salt is Mag Phos 6x (full name Magnesium Phosphate). This is a nerve relaxant and supplements the action of the Kali Phos 6X.

If you want to take just one tissue salt for your anxiety, I recommend Kali Phos 6X. This alone will be a great help. It’s one of my favorite natural anxiety remedies.

Tissue salts are totally safe and there is no risk of side-effects or over-dosage. They can even be used on children, infants and pregnant women. They can also be taken with medical drugs, vitamins, and herbs as they do not interfere with any of these. They work by facilitating the body’s own healing process.

Dosage: Generally, adults take four pellets twice a day and the pellets should be dissolved on or underneath the tongue. It is best to take them at least 5 minutes away from
food or other supplements. For more acute situations, you can take 4 pellets every half hour until you feel better, and then resume your regular dosage. Young adults and children can take 2 pellets twice a day and 2 pellets four times per day for acute situations.